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Ahobila Mutt : This site of Ahobila Mutt is maintained by Matam Sishyas in USA. Rich repository of information related to Srimatam
Nymisaranyam : Contains all information about the Nymisaranyam project and the Charitable trust created to promote and preserve ancient cultural heritage of India
Sri Ahobila Mutt Chembur : Under construction. Once completed expected to be rich source of information
Anudinam : Rich with all Vaishnava temple related information
Sathyagalam : All information about this temple and its association with Swami Vedanta Desika is given in sufficient details.
Parakala Muth : Sri Parakala Matham is the first Matham established even while Swami Sri Vedanta Desika was alive. It was established by Brahmathanthra Swanthantharar, one of the direct disciples of Swami Sri Desika.
Srimad Poundarikapuram Andavan Asramam : The lineage of Acharyas down from Tirukkudanthai Maha Desikan (1701-1783) has been marked by an unbroken successors of self- effacing ascetics, a central pendant like figure being Srimad Poundarikapuram Andavan (1847-1934). His mantle is being borne today by H.H. Paravakkottai Andavan.
A colossal granary for Srivaishnavas : A mini encyclopaedia on Vaishnavism
Blog on Vedanta Desika : Good source for News and events connected with Swami Desika
Cyber Satsangh for Srivaishnavas : Huge effort taken by Sri.Vangipuram Venkataraghavan Swami to propagate Vishishtadvaita. Rich source of audio on Stotras, Prabandam in multiple languages as well as conducting Satsanghs regularly.
Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam : Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam has been the center for spreading the philosophy of Sri Vaishnavism and Prapaththi Marga (Saranagathi) founded and propagated by Sri Bhagawath Ramanuja and nurtured by Sri Nigamantha Mahadesika several centuries ago. Illustrious Acharyas have adorned the Peetam for the past 300 years.
Swami Nadoor Ammal : A site maintained and updated by the house of Sri Nadadoor Ammal. Sri Nadadoor Ammal was a foremost scholar in Sri Vaishnava philosophy. Among his famous disciples is Kidambi Appullar who was Swami Desika’s Acharya.
Acharya Vamsa Vrikshaml : This gives details of Srivaishnava Acharya parampara with details of each Acharyan.
Srivaishnavam Practices : This site covers a broad spectrum of Srivaishnavam, practices therein with inner meaning and rationale behind the faith and belief. A good reservoir of materials for reading. : A site rich with Vaishnavism eBooks and Literature some of which are rare collections. Oppilliappan Koil Dr.V.Sadagopan of USA has done a commendable job in maintaining and updating this site.
Prapatti Online : Repository of Slokams in Text and Audio format maintained by Sriman Sundar Kidambi , who is the grandson of H H Mysore Andavan of Srirangam Andavan Ashram. A must visit by any Srivaishnavite.
Sri.Vedanta Desikar Devasthanam : Official Website of the Devasthanam which is rich with resources on our sampradhayam
Sri Ahobila Mutt, Pune : A site rich with information about Pune branch of Sri Ahobila Mutt as well as other general information regarding Srimatam sampradayam
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